Nature Momentum

Nature Momentum

From our last paper and observations, we conclude that  when a star goes under transformation as the Sun cycle from its birth to its White Dwarf end, the highest quality of superfluid per available matter as fueling this evading process to a more stable state, is a redirected a radioactive metallic liquid, leaving a black hole in a mapped system, as ours.


This process is afterall really natural from the definition of elements, their specifications and mass. From cryogenic space to slight variation of heat, to saturation and layering of the same gaseous vapor, densities shapeshift gases into particles squeezed by an incessantly heavier cryogenic pressure as outer shell, and the elements starting with Hydrogen, lighter influence but greater density, as Hydrogen is everywhere. From that pellicula resting and pressing on Helium, a cascade of a Goldilocks nature is underway. The Solar System can tell its age; The Sun consists mainly of the elements hydrogen and helium. At this time in the Sun's life, they account for 74.9% and 23.8%, respectively, of the mass of the Sun in the photosphere.[52] All heavier elements, called metals in astronomy, account for less than 2% of the mass, with oxygen (roughly 1% of the Sun's mass), carbon (0.3%), neon (0.2%), and iron(0.2%) being the most abundant. So the Sun composites are not radioactive it is the heat on particles in suspension from the cryogenic shell that are melting, breaking their density from rising Kelvin and severing bonds to form molecules adding up in planet formation as Hydrogen intertwine and mix with free particles excited by the heat generated by the pond of H-He. Solar waves are still a possibility as iron 55.8451 g/mol at 0.2 % represents a growing intruder increasing in superfluid quality, a crucial component for angular momentum. Naturally we should expect the same destiny for the planets beyond the Asteroid Belt, when Earth and Mars will be only hot iron core coils. The gaseous planets would be in a terraforming process as evaporation will create its atmospheric magic, creating a breathable environment. The H-Helium superfluid aging and concentrated as trapped inside a planet will be surrounded not with cryogenic matter but at a degree will build permafrost with neutralized metal free falling on the agglomeration already having mass as a magma of superfluid now surrounded by a pressurized mass of matter. Radioactive elements will ablaze a magnetic field inside the planet slowly until fusion, and later fission squeezes the substance, like the juice of an orange, squirting as volcanic magma pathways to the surface. The superfluid growing quality is also enhanced by the Sun gamma rays a genuine and active superfluidity through improved momentum / acceleration. 


The Earth is getting contaminated through elements heavier than Oxygen while Hydrogen because of the superfluidity of the planet core melt continents and the permafrost under. The plasma from the Sun is increasing in quality and allows a slight infiltration of those heavier element to press on the crust / sea bed. Filtering all elements heavier than 15.99 g/mol and repulsing them outside the atmosphere will establish a Goldilocks equilibrium as elements enter the atmosphere too fast and have an impact on the environment like micrometeorites, hitting organic matter. This initiated climate change has a 99.8 % responsibility attributed to solar radiation.





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